Spokane County Treasurer Steps Up for the Residents of his County

The elected Treasurer of Spokane County, Washington, has taken a courageous step on behalf of his constituents. As a single elected official, he has invoked the coordination process created in federal law to challenge the acquisition of a Washington based power company by a Canadian homed and owned power company.

Concerned that the acquisition by the company partially owned by the Province of Ontario will result in much higher rates for Washington citizens, Rob Chase called on the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission to hold up approval of the sale and purchase until there are assurances about rate levels. Chase is also concerned that a foreign-owned company might set priorities for distribution of power favoring the Province residents over Washingtonians.

With assistance from Americans Coordination Institute, Rob served his notice of intent to coordinate on the Attorney General’s office in Spokane on Monday of this week for delivery to the Commission. Today he plans to deliver the Notice to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission for its own scheduling and for distribution to all other agencies involved with reviewing the sale and purchase.

Most all the federal agencies had already passed with favor on the sale without a pausing breath about raised rates and priorities. But, Chase got a breather and chance to make a difference when the Prime Minister of Ontario fired the CEO of the Canadian company last week, and all 14 members of the Board of Directors resigned without explanation. The CEO had drawn many complaints based on ideas of poor management and no management at all, and on the CEO’s salary of near $7 million annually.

Chase has been an activist Treasurer. Because his efforts the law now allows taxpayers to pay their county taxes in payments, so that the full amount does not come due at the end of the year to be paid in one lump sum. He is now working on revising the rules on interest that accumulates on unpaid taxes. As the practice now stands that interest rate can grow to as much as 23%. He has self-limited his tenure to two terms and in his second term. Currently, he is running for County Commission.

Donations to CoordinationInst.org will be used to fund assistance to Rob Chase in his efforts to protect the citizens of Spokane County.

3 thoughts on “Spokane County Treasurer Steps Up for the Residents of his County


    Rob Chase is certainly a man of integrity. I am sad that I am no longer a Washingtonian, because I would be voting for Rob if I were.

    Good job, Rob!!

  2. Jeff Brodhead Reply

    Proud to have Rob Chase’s campaign sign in our front yard again this year!
    Commissioner Chase… it WILL have a nice ring to it!
    Thank you for your service, Rob.

  3. Elena Reply

    In MT couldn’t find if Rob won commissioner election. Any update regarding “his notice of intent to coordinate on the Attorney General’s office in Spokane on Monday of this week for delivery to the Commission. “?

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